Thursday, January 17, 2013

Joy of January Day 6: Intimacy

There's something about living in community. Living in an apartment kind of forces you to be all up in someone's business, and them in yours. You don't have a choice, because you are literally living, "doing life," with these people you call your roommates. An intimacy develops, one that's unavoidable, because you are constantly surrounded by these people. Some people have good roomie situations. In other words, they get really close, and become friends, supporting, encouraging, and loving one another. Others...well, not so much. There's either constant bickering, or even worse, they don't say anything at all. Problems have escalated to the point where they are unavoidable, unreconcilable, and therefore unmentioned.

What is the difference between these two relationships? Are they really that different? Do the ones that get along really have that much in common and the ones that don't are worlds apart? A few years ago the Lord took me on a journey into discovering what his church, his people, are called to be. The main concept that really stuck out to me was that we are called to be the image of God. When John of Damascus fought for Iconoclasm in the orthodox church he claimed that just as Christ was the icon of God, we are the icon of Christ and therefore God on this earth. This is a major responsibility.
We are to be the representative of God!
Just as any representative, people understand the person we represent by the way we interact with them. How we relate to people is interpreted as the actions of the one who has sent us. Therefore, when we interact with others in our community, we are giving them a depiction of what God is like. People see us, and we are painting a picture for them of what the Lord is like. 

We are all given a community in which we are made to reflect the Lord to. How we relate to the Lord is often reflected in how we relate to others. When we have our defenses up, quick to lash out, could it be that our defenses are up against the Lord, trying to keep him out? However, when we are vulnerable with others, able to admit we have faults and display a willingness to work on them, that  reflects an openness to the Lord, and willingness to have him shape us, because we are firmly planted in his love. 

Living with roommates consequentially causes intimacy. Intimacy can be uncomfortable. In vulnerabilities rubbing up against each other and tearing us raw. All of our flaws, hurts, and shadow natures are exposed. Defenses rise and are ready to rip the soul out of those closest to us. This is called sanctification. Our true natures, dirty and malicious are torn open so that can be seen and made righteous. We become purified through the weeding out of our ugliness. Intimacy allows us to be set free from the bondage of our own wickedness. It allows for change in areas we were unaware of so that we may be sanctified in to a clearer perception of Christ. 

I thank the Lord that I have been placed with roommates that push me to be more like Christ everyday. I pray that my apartment would be blessed this upcoming semester as we all pursue a deeper intimacy in the Lord to become more transformed in his likeness. 

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