Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sick Day!

I'm sick. Not I-can't-get-out-of-bed, going-to-die-today, coughing-up-a-lung sick. More like the I'm-going-to-have-to-trudge-through-work-with-a-headache-and-congestion-for-the-next-three-weeks sick. However, yesterday I was sure I had the early symptoms of strep. We've had 3confirmed cases at work this past week. So yesterday when I feel a slightly tender tickle in my throat, I feel my nose and head congested, plus I'm tired beyond belief, yes, yes, I go into panic mode thinking I may have strep.
I pull my contacts open so I'll have the clinics number available to get a throat culture the next day. I know there is a lot of herbalists out there that debate whether you can just tough-out strep or not. By I know that antibiotics shorten the time of being contagious from 3weeks to 1week.

Lucky me, I woke up and had no sore throat. So that's a basic garuntee I don't have strep throat. However, last night I cancelled all my plans, ate chicken soup, went to bed early and tried and herbal concoction I'm going to share.

When my mom has a sore throat scare she generally prescribes a tonic that looks like this:

2tbsp Apple cider vinegar
1tsp honey
Lemon juice
All diluted with boiling water. Sip until the soar throat is gone.

Personally I can't stand this concoction. Nor can my little sister who says "It tastes like death." So there you have it. 2 votes NO! Something about the apple cider vinegar and cayenne make me squeal in dread.

However, I can't deny the health benefits of this remedy to anyone that is suffering from illness (especially sore throat). In short*:

Apple cider vinegar: antioxidants and bacteria killer

Honey: antibacterial, antioxidant, strengthens immune system.

Cinnamon: antioxidants and anti-inflammatory

Cayenne: anti cold, cough, flu, sore throat, and allergies (has been called a natural anti-biotic)

Lemon: vitamin C, flushes out toxins, anti-inflammatory

Boiling water: I'm not sure what the health benefits are warm vs. Cold. However I do know that when I was in China it was impossible to find cold water. They say it is better for the health to drink it boiling. All water fountains came with cold, hot, and boiling features. However, even the cold was above room temperature.

*the links are simply one website I have read with the common claims I have seen on many websites and health stores. Also, my descriptions are just summaries on how these ingredients may help with a cold, flu, sore throat, and whatever other common illness may be going on.

As I said, i can't deny the health benefits, but I can't stand a those things together. So here is my own tonic.

Citrusy Sore Throat Tonic

Honey (to taste, but I use 1-2 teaspoons)
1-2 tablespoons Apple cider vinegar
2 lemon slices
1 lime slice (I don't know the health benefits of lime, but I love the taste of lemon-lime)
Boiling water.

Place all ingredients in a mug. Stir and enjoy (add cinnamon if desired).

Note I didn't add cayenne. However, because I know it helps cut colds I took one tsp of honey sprinkled with cayenne on the side. If you like Mexican chile candy you'll love this.

This remedy worked so well I didn't have a sore throat the next day and was far less congested.

If you need to use this, get well soon, and remember May Day Challenge starts in 2 days :)

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