Monday, October 21, 2013

Save the Soup!

So I live off a community food shelf. Welcome to the poverty of the post grad. Eating food from the reject section of the store. Actually, I'm making this sound worst than it is. Generally, our food is really good. All organic apples, gluten free flour, fresh blueberries in October. Last week we even go sweet potato soup,  boxes upon boxes of it. Sounds good in theory, but reality would beg to differ. probs some of the worst soup i've ever had. That also means i'm up for a challenge of trying to find as many ways as possible to redeem the orange mess. 
After a couple flopped attempts at mix-ins, i decided to veer away from soup all together and went for curry! voila! taste supremo! And here's the recipe for all my friends in conveinienced by the boxes. Stay tuned tomorrow. I also made bread, but I'm gonna wait to post that specialty. 

Sweet Potato Veg Curry

1 Cup Sweet Potato Soup
1 Can Vegetable Soup (Or 1 Cup minestrone soup left over from community meal
Dash thyme
1/2 tbs curry seasoning
Dash red pepper flakes
1 tsp flour or cornstarch
Brown rice (optional) (Also left overs from when we had the Duran Clan over for soup leftover from the community meal :)

In a Fry Pan combine sweet potato soup and drained vegetable soup. Add spices. Bring to a boil, add flour to thicken and simmer until thickened. Enjoy served over rice. Yum Yum :)
Makes about 2-4 servings.

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