Wednesday, July 10, 2013

God is Rest

Today I was reading through a few chapters in Hebrews and they kind of hit on the idea of God being a refuge again, but focused on God as rest.

When the Israelites went to take back the promised land, it was promised that the Israelites would find rest, but only in obedience. The Israelites were commanded to wipe out all other nations. Then and only then would they find rest from their wandering and find a home in the land.

Parallel? When we live in obedience and slay the strongholds in our lives, we find ourselves at home in the Sabbath rest of God.

We find rest through obedience. It's like the idea that unless you are actually walking in what the Lord has called you to, you will never be happy. Though the road may be painful and hard, you will find joy, because you are walking in obedience. However, if you are walking in disobedience, though the road may be filled with luxury you will despair of being fulfilled.

Obedience equals rest, but anyone walking in the faith knows that obedience is easier said than done. Even Paul said that the things he longs to do he doesn't and the things he wishes to veer away from he does. That's why Jesus is the intercessor. He obeyed his Father, by taking on our disobedience that we may enter Sabbath rest, despite disobedience. Jesus is the refuge for those who disobey, so they may pick themselves up, and keep pressing on into righteousness. That's the beauty of grace. That we can keep pressing on towards that Sabbath rest, even when we fall. That we may still be apart of God's will and plan even when we fall.

Abba, give me ears to hear your voice, and a heart sensitive to your calling. May I discern you will and be quick to follow. And even when I am foolish and fleshly, help me remember your grace and embrace it, that I can get back up and continue in obedience.  Amen. 

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