Saturday, July 20, 2013

Faith and Failure

What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

This question was posed on the 'Bou' Board at a coffee shop I sat at yesterday. It was a good question. One I took time to contemplate. Ironically, it kind of fit in to the theme "Fear not" the Lord has been taking me through. As I mulled the question over in my mind, I began to compile a list:
1) Train for a 5K
2) Open a Store
3) Leave the country
The list continued. Then I saw an opposing question lingering beneath the first:
If you know you will not fail, where is the challenge?

Again, good point. I sat there, and very softly I felt a tug at my heart saying, "if you know you will not fail, where is the faith?" And it struck me. That's the whole point. Faith enables us to do the impossible. It's not meant to help us accomplish what we can do on our own. It's to accomplish the divine.
So what about the times when we step out in faith and we fail anyway? What then? I've been struggling through lots of regret lately. Not on times where I didn't step out in faith, but where I did and it ended...well...not quite as expected. Expectation and reality collided and I found myself disappointed. So what do I do with that? When I obey. When my human attempts to have faith in the impossible leave me feeling empty, and perplexed on why? That's also where faith comes in.

It is impossible for what to be seen as failure to be used for anything good. It is impossible for our stumbling to lead to standing in the end. However, with faith it does. Faith is trusting the Lord, not only for boldness to step out and do the impossible, but also to trust that somethings will be used despite what we see. It's trusting, that when we are obeying to the best of our abilities and know how, then the Lord is pleased, and things will go according to plan.

The Word says "Do not worry. You're more valuable than a bird." However, I'm so slow to believe that. But it is the truth. If I am more valuable than a bird, and the Lord even takes care of birds, then what do I need to worry about, whether money, or food, past or future. Nothing can separate me from the Love of God. The Lord is working. I don't know how. I don't need to know how. I just need to know him, and that's enough to know that the impossible is attainable. 

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