Thursday, July 18, 2013

God is Omnipotent

While in India the woman, Joyce Meyers, kept on being talked about by the ladies on my team. Reference after reference was made to words of wisdom gleaned from this powerhouse woman. Now, this is not the first time I have been with a group of people slightly obsessed with Joyce Meyers. No, indeed, I have had several people that have loved the teachings of this woman, and have encouraged me to join the following. I, with a streak of carnal rebellion, have been resisting the movement. However, when I hear so much good about the woman for about a month and a half. Then I return to the states where I hear even more, curiosity must be peaked.  So, I have jumped on the Joyce Meyer band wagon, and have started reading Battlefield of the Mind. Wow! That is pretty much the best way to summarize this book. Everyday, it has so perfectly targeted my life, that it can't be anything but the Lord directing me to this book.

Today I was reading Chapter 10 on having a confused mind, and it really seemed to fit in with this journey the Lord has been leading me on of simply knowing Him. That is the source of everything we do.When we know God, we begin to understand everything in life from a new perspective, and perspective has the power to change our life. When we are living and surrendering in the battle, our minds begin to wander and we become confused. Our thoughts may dwell on the past, either wishing we were still there, or worrying about what has happened. That our our minds dwell on the future, wondering what will happen, which leads to worrying about what will happen.

Wisdom from Joyce "We must be satisfied in knowing the One who knows even when we do not know."

The fact is that we will never know! We don't really know everything about our past. We will never know the impact it has had. In the same way, we will never know our future. Only the Lord knows what is ahead. For me this is a constant battle. I worry. I worry about what I have done. I worry about what I am doing. I worry about the future. I need control. I need the details. At least that's what I think I need. However, only "one thing is needed" (Luke 10:38-42). That is to sit, be still, and know my God. He has had the details all worked out from the beginning. He is simply calling me to day by day get to know him and to trust him. 

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