Thursday, April 25, 2013

Pray for India: Day 18 (Mammoth Morning Munchies)

"The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."- Zephaniah 3:17

Wow! The Lord is good. Let me give you a little glimpse into my life today. A couple weeks ago there was some really rough stuff happening at my internship. During this time, I was in my car, driving away from a fairly frustrating situation. I flipped on my radio station, and immediately started searching for some worship music. I was to the point of knowing the enemy was at work, could feel the spiritual attacks in my body, mind, emotions, and spirit. That's when I heard KTIS announce their morning coffee break giveaway. All I could think is, my office could use some encouragement, so I entered my internship cite. 

Last week, yet again another rough week again I got a call saying we won. Jesus loves me this I know, morning muffins tell me so. We arranged to have Pam and Andy, the morning hosts come in today, because we had a team meeting. This way the whole team could enjoy the encouragement. They brought coffee, Mammoth Muffins, and a gift for me. As if the coffee and muffins weren't enough, they gave me a basket full of goodies, like devotional material, CDs, and a $50 gift card to a shoe store. Here's the kicker. I really need new sandals for India, and have been praying the Lord would provide all week. He totally did. He is continually amazing me. 

22 DAYS!
Click Here to listen to the Muffin Episode!

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