Tuesday, May 12, 2015

No-Poo Problems

I have been working on a no-poo solution for my hair for the past couple of weeks. Warning: none of these methods have worked. However, I thought I'd share my journey so far and ask for any suggestions.

I have so far tried out a couple methods. My problem is, since I switched to using coconut oil as a conditioner, I can't seem to find a recipe that will get the oil out of my hair. I'll scrub in the solution, let it sit 20-30 minutes, rinse out, blow-dry my hair, and what do you know? Still greasy, so I'm left to rinse it out with REAL shampoo.

Here's recipe #1:
2 tbsp honey
1/4 cup aloe vera gel.

Recipe #2:
2 tbsp honey
1/4 cup aloe vera gel
1 egg yolk

The benefits:

Honey: Antioxidants and nutrients
Aloe Vera: Moisture and nutrients
Egg: Vitamin E and A and Grease cutting

Results for both, again, greasy hair. I'm looking forward to trying the aloe vera honey without the coconut oil. Maybe I will try doing this in the next week or so. However, with the coconut oil I'm struggling to find a solution. Many Pinterest girls said the egg yolk got the oil out of their hair just fine, because egg yolk breaks down grease. That's not what I found. My hair was a crunchy, greasy mess. When you blow dry your hair for 10 minutes and it still looks as wet as when you stepped out of the shower and you can get enough oil to use as lotion from it, that's a problem.

So I'm opening it up to my readers. What are your suggestions? Does anyone know of a no-poo solution to get coconut oil out of hair?
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Unknown said...

Have you tried a solution of diluted Apple Cider Vinegar (my straight hair friends use 2 parts water to one part vinegar)? A lot of my friends wash their hair with ACV and they swear by it. I have a few times but I prefer co-wash.

Unknown said...

Emily! I have done that before, but only with the baking soda. I read baking soda is really bad for hair because it messes with the PH levels. Maybe I'll have to look up what ACV does to hair and coconut grease.

Anonymous said...

Use a norwex rag and scrub your scalp as thoroughly as possible in the shower.