Tuesday, December 17, 2013


We all have choices. 
These words of timely advice sit in my head as I wait in limbo. 
You always have a choice, and the embracing of this reality is the first step in power, empowerment for yourself and power to truly change the world.
values, beliefs, thoughts, behaviors.  
All start with a choice. 
And there I sat with a choice. 
Disregard my reason for existence or shine in the darkness as light. 
And I chose. 
I chose life. 
For how can I deny my source yet still remain living. If a branch seeks to destroy the tree does it not realize it will destroy itself.  
So I a branch submitted to the entity that is greater than I. Embracing the life, abundant life, I have been given. 
Choices.  I had one. I made it. And I chose life.

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