Thursday, May 30, 2013

India Update 3

Speaking words of light
that pierce the darkness to bring
about a new life.

Sitting in a circle with a group of women. The room is dimly lit and grows darker as the power goes out. Words of the past having been spoken produces a reign of darkness over their lives. Lies simmer in the air, whispering in their ears constantly an identity that can not be escaped.
There are some bonds that cannot merely be broken by a physical means. Only the consistent penetration with truth can leave the lasting effect of freedom. Thus the healing begins.

The ladies sit and some chat with the women to their side, giggling and conversing about work and life. Others glance around the room, watching the others, searching for cues of what to do. Still, others stare off in to emptiness, but it is evident there mind is full by the pensive scowl across their brows. Finally, a unifying order is brought to the group as they're given an instruction for each to turn to the person on their right and speak to them words of truth; words of encouragement to the other. They all look around the room, timid, unsure. The first girl starts.

She hesitantly looks at the girl to her right. She waits, letting the right words formulate in her head. Her lips part as they make they're way from the heart to her tongue and she speaks. "Dee Dee, I love you." The words flow from her mouth sweet and pure and she continues to lay out reason after reason why her big sister is a blessing.

The girl on the right, her face has been fixated on the floor, unsure how to embrace these words. What is this she is hearing? Kindness? Gentleness? Love? These feelings she knows from care that has been received, but she is yet to have a name for. However, these words add depth to the impression action has made. Word after word. Kindness after kindness. Slowly, the features of her face begin to brighten as her heart is lightened. She doesn't know what to say, what do. But she feels...Love. Though maybe not a new feeling, still one that conquers all. She lifts her head, looks the speaking women in the eyes and though she says nothing, their hearts have met and a gratitude deeper than words is communicated. Life has been given from.

And life breathes life, so she turns to the woman on her right. Words of kindness are passed around the circle until every girl has been spoken the truth of who she is, her identity. She has been given life and joy erupts around the room. Laughter. Hope.

The power of a word. From the time we are young we are taught the rhyme: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." But that's not true. Words do hurt. They break the spirit. Crush the soul. Words bring death, but in the same essence words bring life. The salve that heals the wounds that stings can only be found in words that build and encourage. If we want to see the darkness of this world illuminated, we must start eliminating the lies by shining the light of truth that breaks every stronghold and delivers that captive to freedom.

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