Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pray in the Spirit

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints- Ephesians 6:18

For this past week, I think I have heard a sermon on praying in the Spirit about 4 times. I think Someone might be trying to tell me something and I think it's something I need to start implementing in my life. 

This past week I have been plagued with some intense feelings of guilt and shame. Feelings of insecurity. We've all been there. We've all felt insecure from time to time. However, if I have learned anything about insecurity over the years, it's that it is just another form of pride. It's placing our opinion of ourselves and our strength to be perfect over the Lord, his opinions, and his strength which is made perfect in our weaknesses. Praying in the Spirit brings us out of this pride and back into the light of God's will. 

Today I went to Heights Church in Colombia Heights and Pastor Dan Thompson made three points of what Praying in the Spirit does: 

  1. Praying in the Spirit brings us to the heart of God in a more INTIMATE way. 
  2. Partnership with the Spirit brings a new level of ENDURANCE.
  3. When we partner with the Spirit we are better PREPARED to pray for God's will. 
What these points spoke to me is that praying in the Spirit brings us into INTIMACY with our Heavenly Father. In this intimacy we see the heart of God. He is able to reveal who he is, what he really desires, and be transformed by the knowledge. We are humbled in the essence that we see who we truly are in light of the glory of God and he transcends all of our thoughts and ideals. 

Secondly, we are given a new ENDURANCE to chase after the Lord, to see his face, and seek his will. We become more determined to actually preform his will on this Earth and are empowered to actually be his light, love, and life to the World. 

Finally, when we pray in the Spirit, because we are aligned with the will of God, we are PREPARED to pray the will of God is accomplished on Earth as it is in Heaven. We want nothing, but the Lord's will. 

The Lord's will is that we would first love him, but then to also love others. This is his commandment. When we are bogged down by insecurity, truly we are so self-focused that we can only love ourselves and be looking out for ourselves. Praying in the Spirit aligns us with the truth of the Lord, that we may be able to love others and thus pray for them. When we turn our face from ourselves and begin praying for those around us, we begin to see them through the eyes of Christ and love overflows for them. This is my new priority, to pray for others more than ever before and keep praying until the Lord answers. Terrying means to keep waiting on the Lord until he replies. Thus I will terry. Therefore, if anyone has a prayer request, feel free to post it on my wall. Hold me accountable to pray in the Spirit and seek the Lord on behalf of others. In this way his love will be made known. 

Today I surrender my pride and selfishness. Lord, I want to be aligned with your will that I may be a vessel that shines your light and love, that your life may be breathed into all I come in contact. 

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