Monday, November 25, 2013

Ecclesiastes: Injustice and the Gospel

I was talking with a friend this morning about Ecclesiastes. Her church has been studying, and ironically so have I. The first few chapters are all about injustice and evil in the world. About sin, and how no matter what we do, that will never change. No matter how good we are. No matter how we best try to live our lives. There will always be evil. Then we die. That's our lives.
However, the blessed hope is that we do die someday. Only then are we released from all the injustice in the world, both inflicted on us and that which we inflict. Until then, we are saved only by having a savior willing to sit with us through the storm.
I've been struggling lately. I see so many areas in my life where I don't measure up. Where I've never measured up. And the truth of the matter is that there always will be those areas. However, there is someone who's working that out with me. It doesn't give me an excuse to keep going about in the wrong, but it empowers me to pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep going. 

1 comment:

Ms. Collins' Blog said...

I needed this tonight,thanks!!