So here it is! With a stamp of approval, Witch Hazel-Grapefruit.
Witch Hazel found at your local Target for $1.99)- it's a natural astringent. Aka as a blackhead, zit killing, pore-shrinking machine.
Grapefruit essential oil- I found out this is an antibacterial(so cleans your face) a stimulate, so it wakes you up (since I use this in the morning I found this to be a benefit) and an anti-depressant, plus so many more things.
Witch Hazel Astringent
1 bottle witch hazel
10-20 drops grapefruit essential oil.
1. Open witch hazel
2. Add essential oil
3. Put cap back on and shake (shake well before each use)
4. Use a cotton ball or face pad to apply every morning.
5. Follow up with moisturizer and additional beauty routine.
And the results: I had a couple small pimples and the beginning, and in a day they were gone. Also, visibly reduced the noticeability of pores.
Good Morning!
*Note: after I wrote the article, a friend clued me in that citrus oils are photosyngetic, making your skin more suceptible to the sun. So instead of citrus, maybe use peppermint for that wakening. Also One site said that you can dilute the oil and that should weaken it enough for facial use. Again, shake before each use to ensure you don't get an overly strong concentration of oil.
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