Saturday, April 11, 2015


So as I mentioned yesterday, and as my lovely Novio has encouraged me to, I am finally posting about Norwex.

I started selling Norwex about a month ago, because 1. All my friends were doing it. 2. Who doesn't like product discounts. 3. I absolutely love their make-up cloths.

So what is it? The best way I can some it up, is that Norwex is microfiber and silver put together to magically clean your house without water. For a more in-depth look at Norwex watch this video:
At this point I could either give you a Norwex speel, but I'll save that in case you want to host a party. Instead, I'm going to give 5 reasons why I use Norwex (and you maybe should too):

5 Reasons I Use Norwex

1. It's Green: It's good for the environment. Because I have started selling Norwex, I've had to start researching what is in other products and what makes Norwex different. When you start looking at the chemicals in Clorox, Lysol, Tide, even Cascade you'll be shocked. EWG scores all of the latest chemical products (as well as other products) on their health for people and the environment. When  saw that Cascade received an "F." I was shocked. This cleans my plates, where I put the food, I put in my mouth. YIKES! Norwex simply uses water and silver ions to clean everything!
2. Science Backs it: I was really skeptical of Norwex, but when I chatted with a friend that was a middle school science teacher, but now is a homeopathic health counseling expert, I found out that science really does back up Norwex. This stuff works. Needless to say, Norwex is all she uses.
3. Lazy Girl: I'll be honest, I hate cleaning. I absolutely hate it. I hate the chemicals. It's a drag to spray things and then wipe it down. I rather just grab a Lysol wipe and wipe it away. Well, Norwex is my solution to that. I simply get the cloth wet and wipe my stuff clean. 
4. Thrifty: Yes, the initial price of Norwex is more expensive. It seems a little odd to spend so much on just one little rag. However, when you think of the fact that in that little rag is a lifetime supply of Windex (Lysol, bleach, etc). It doesn't seem to bad. It's actually cost effective.
5. Kids Line: Norwex has a kids line. What other cleaning company do you know that actually has products for your kids to clean the house? None! In fact, most have a disclaimer saying: KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN! Not Norwex. Norwex even makes the cleaning supplies look like toys, so while your kids think they're playing they're actually cleaning the house. Saves mom a little energy.
Let me know if you'd like to learn more or host a party :)

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